[Free.6qjg] Epossumondas
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Who's Epossumondas Why, he's his mama's and his auntie's sweet little patootie, that's who. He's also the silliest, most lovable, most muddleheaded possum south of the Mason-Dixon line!Better choose your words wisely when he's around, 'cause otherwise you never know what you'll get. Epossumondas just might bring you a fist full of crumbs, or a soaking wet puppy, or a scruffy wad of bread--oh, you just wouldn't believe it!Renowned storyteller Coleen Salley and Caldecott Honor illustrator Janet Stevens team up for this outrageous twist on the Southern story of the noodlehead who takes everything way too literally. (Or is that Epossumondas just pulling his mama's leg) Grades K-1 Literature Units - Book reports vocabulary Request a book unit or a short story We welcome your request for a book unit that isn't already available in the literature units section Or you can request a short Mammals Theme Unit - Worksheets Reading Comprehension 4 by 4 Mammals Sudoku Very easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys) Easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys) 4 by 4 Mammals Sudoku: Includes Hints (blank boxes have ATN Book Lists - Nancy Keane Introduction: ATN Book Lists has grown significantly since its birth in 1996 There are now close to 1000 lists on the site! This has made keeping this index page Library Services : District Library - Bismarck Public Schools District Library Catalogs District Library Catalog (link) Search the district library media center catalog of more than 15000 instructional resources Booktalks Quick and Simple - Nancy Keane Delano Marfe Ferguson GENIUS : A PHOTOBIOGRAPHY OF ALBERT EINSTEIN Delano Poli WHEN I WAS A BOY NERUDA CALLED ME POLICARPO : A MEMOIR Delsante Vito
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